I have been trying to reduce our living costs, including telecommunication expenses. As my mobile usage is low, I have been using the Optus “Long Expiry (6 months) Prepaid Plan”. Only recently after doing some market research, I switched over to Amaysim “As You Go Plan” which offers a much better deal. However, I soon discovered an even cheaper option, the “Savvy Lite Plan” offered by a company called Savvytel.

Savvytel has another plan highly suitable for people who make occasional calls. This is called the “Call Credits Never Expire” plan, which I believe is the only Australian prepaid mobile plan in which you do not lose your credits if you do not recharge or make a phone call.

Amaysim offers a highly-acclaimed Unlimited Plan which includes unlimited calls, SMS, MMS and 4 GB of data for $39.90 a month. With a 30-day commitment, you are not locked into a long-term contract. Amaysim is currently not offering handsets so this is a SIM-only plan in which you need to bring your own mobile.

The table below shows the comparison between the 3 plans, which all use the Optus 3G network.

Optus Amaysim Savvytel
Plan Long Expiry Cap As You Go Savvy Lite
Network Optus 3G Optus 3G Optus 3G
Standard Call 89c/min 12c/min 10c/min
Standard SMS 29c/SMS 12c/SMS 12c/SMS
Standard MMS 75c/MMS 49c/MMS 35c/MMS
Data $2/MB 5c/MB 5c/MB
13/15/18 numbers Not sure 29c/min 10c/min
Flagfall/Connection Fee 39c/call 0 0
Voicemail Retrieval 89c/min
+ 39c flagfall
15c/min 10c/min
Expiry Period 186 days 90 days 90 days
Minimum Recharge $30 (gives credit
$50 any network +
$100 Optus mobiles)
$15 $10
Credit Rollover Yes Yes Yes
Contract No No No
Free Social Network Access No Free unlimited
access to Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn,
MySpace, eBay & Foursquare
I will discuss about landline, ADSL, VoIP and postpaid mobile plans, with particular emphasis on the Altona area, in future posts.