The Hobsons Bay Quilt Festival, organized by the Seabreeze Quilters, was held in 8 venues in Altona, Altona Meadows, Seabrook and Newport, over the last weekend (2nd and 3rd October 2010).
I was having lunch with a new friend at Point Cook Shopping Centre last Saturday. I decided to visit the exhibition at Old Laverton School in Altona Meadows as I have not been to this place before and it is enroute on my return journey to Altona.
Here are some quilts on display at the Old Laverton School.
I was left with time to visit only one more exhibition venue and I chose Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre.
I had the impression that the quilts exhibited at the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre were of a higher standard that those at the Old Laverton School. I would not exclude the possibility that my perceptions may be influenced by the better lightings at the Centre.
I wish to highlight a very special and interesting quilt piece, named the “Bathing Belles”.
Every new member to the Seabreezer Quilters Club will be given a small fabric containing the outline of an undressed lady. She will then use her imagination to sew the clothes, head-dress and footwear for this lady. Some will clothe the lady in a highly elaborate costume while others may prefer to leave the lady scantily-clad. The different individual works are then stitched together to form a large quilt. This quilt is a masterpiece in progress and will continue to grow in size indefinitely as more members join the club. One day, it may get so large that it becomes difficult to find an exhibition venue high enough to hang it.