The history of Altona is closely associated with its first settler, Alfred Langhorne and his family, who started building in 1837 the first house in Altona – the now-called Altona Homestead.
You can control the speed of scrolling the timeline by moving the cursor/mouse more to the right or left of the grey mouse-over area (to speed up the scrolling to the right or left) or more to the centre (to slow down the scrolling). To stop scrolling, move the cursor away from the mouse-over area. To view the Timeline in a larger window, click this Link.
The information is contributed by the Altona Laverton Historical Society.
Hi there, I hope you can help me. I'm interested in using the timeline tool2 in my own blog, but not sure how to work it. Can you only use it on the PC or is it configured for use on the mac as well. Is it fairly user friendly or do you have to understand a lot about CSS and HTML to make it work for you? The reason I ask is that I would like my students to use it for a class blog and I don't expect them to be completely computer savvy just yet.
Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.
Hi Suzie, can you email me at so that we can communicate directly without going through this blog. Anthony
Fiz essa linha do tempo e gostaria de coloca-la no meu site! Como posso fazer isso?
Obrigada, Ju
Sorry, I don't even know what this language is. Can someone translate for me?
oh and my language is Portuguese, I'm from Brazil! I like your blog!
Sorry, kkk! I will write again:
I made this timeline and I would put it on my site! How can I do this? tips can you pass me by email (
Thanks, Ju
Não se preocupe, Ju. Feliz por saber que o cronograma está funcionando muito bem. Atenciosamente, Anthony
Piszę tu w innym języku żeby trochę zamieszać autora 😉
Anthony e Ju
Por favor, gostaria que me informassem como fizeram para utilizar o Tools2 e sua Linha do tempo – desta mesma forma associada com o blog e o WP – como ele é publicado em uma página?
peço desculpas pelo português e o inglês (uso tradutor automático)
Muito obrigado
Leonardo kfoury
Anthony and Ju
Please inform me that I would have like to use your Tools2 and Timeline – this similarly associated with the WP blog and – as it is posted on a page?
I apologize for Portuguese and English (use automatic translator)
thank you very much
Leonardo Kfoury
Hi Leonardo, the Timeline Tool is created by the University of British Columbia. My page is just used as a demo of the tool. You are free to use this tool:
Obrigado por me responder Anthony!
Eu entendi e agradeço o link.
Mais uma informação importante: depois, como você fez para colocar a "Linha do Tempo" em seu site?
agradeço mais uma vez
abraço e sucesso!
Thanks for responding Anthony!
I understand and appreciate the link.
More important information: then, as you did to put the "Timeline" on your site?
thanks again
hug and success!
Yes, I made use of the Timeline tool on my site.