Cherry Lake is a recreational hotspot in Altona, with a playground, barbeques, picnics areas and walk/bike trails. It now boasts new fitness stations. There is not only one but three Cherry Lake fitness stations strategically located along the Cherry Lake Shared Trail at key access points.
Two reserves in Hobsons Bay, at Altona Meadows and Brooklyn, have fitness stations. These are popular with the local communities. In the 2017/18 Hobsons Bay Council budget, $200 000 was allocated for a pilot trial of fitness stations at Cherry Lake before being implemented on a larger scale across the municipality.
This pilot project consists of three stages. Under Stage 1 from June to August 2018, the fitness stations were installed at three separate locations around Cherry Lake.
Cherry Lake Fitness Stations Location 1
Location 1 is between the playground and the beginner’s skate bowl. It is best assessed by the Cherry Lake carpark from Millers Road.
Cherry Lake Fitness Stations Location 2
Location 2 is east of the Fresno Street carpark and toilet block, adjacent to the walking trail. This fitness station is the largest of the three fitness stations and has 15 separate exercise equipments. Both Location 1 and 2 have BBQ, picnic and toilet amenities nearby.
Cherry Lake Fitness Stations Location 3
Location 3 is approximately 65 metres from the carpark at the northern end of Sugargum Drive. It has the least number of exercise equipments.
These fitness stations are now installed and available for use. They are suitable for a range of fitness levels and for all ages. Each equipment has a QR code which when scanned with a phone brings up a web page with video instructions on how to use the equipment.
The Cherry Lake fitness stations are located in scenic settings, just metres away from the water. The sound of water lapping against the banks provides another sensory experience while you are working out on the fitness equipment.
Project Evaluation
Under Stage 2 of the project from July to December 2018, the Hobsons Bay Council will be seeking community feedback on the Cherry Lake fitness stations. Under Stage 3, the feedback will be evaluated and used to inform the implementation of future fitness stations in other parks and reserves across Hobsons Bay.
You can read more about this project at:
A musician whom I met at the fitness station greatly enjoyed these new facilities and was in fact showing his wife the fitness equipments over his mobile phone.
I am hoping that more fitness stations will be installed along the Altona foreshore at places such as Ransom Reserve, Logan Reserve, Apex Park and Cresser Reserve, as well as in neighbourhood parks such as Ford Reserve.
Feedback by the community will be instrumental in getting more fitness stations being rolled out across Hobsons Bay. Hence, I will encourage everyone to try out the fitness equipments and provide feedback.
Used the exercise stations today for the first time and found them to be fantastic. What a fabulous addition to the park and the local community. I will use this regularly as its easy to use and works well combined with my bike ride. Good on you Hobson’s Bay.