See also:

I wrote this post about the Christmas festive mood in Altona Meadows last year. The photos and videos were taken with my 10 years old Canon camera, which do not turn out as good as I would have desired. There was a JB Hifi sales on digital SLRs a few months ago so I upgraded my camera to a Nikon D7000. Armed with my new camera, I decided to pay an annual pilgrimage to this mesmerizing street in Altona Meadows.

The most spectacular lighting goes indisputably to 30 Markham Way. You can read the story of Percy Smith in my previous post. With this new camera, I can produce much higher-quality and longer-duration video.

The photos are also of much higher resolution.

Markham Way Christmas A

The host welcomes visitors to explore his beautifully-decorated verandah.

Verandah 05

My wife told me that people have to wait in a long queue to see animated Christmas window displays outside the Bourke Street Myers store in the City, which are similar to what you can see here (but minus the crowd).

Window Display 02 Window Display 03

She had told her friend living in Burnside Heights about this street, who subsequently paid a visit with her family. They are all very impressed. I will greatly appreciate if you can share any knowledge of beautiful Christmas lightings.